At one monastery Richard (now Radhanath Swami) and Gary saw the monks meditate in rooms filled with human skulls and skeletons piled high along the walls. The monks reflected on the impermanence of this body while living with skeletal bones of their predecessors. Richard was struck by a sign in the Church that read, “As you are now we used to be, and as we are you will be.” Later at Pompeii, the harsh reality of the transient nature of this world dawned on Richard. He thought of the bubonic plague that had ravaged Europe, and the atom bomb that had leveled Hiroshima and the earthquakes and fires that had destroyed major cities of the world over the last two thousand years. He realized that in this world disaster can come upon anyone at any moment. We shouldn’t put off seeking the priceless jewel of enlightenment for anything material, for the powers of nature will eventually take away everything from us.
Radhanath Swami gives an example we can relate to; take a glass filled with a fizzy drink. What do you see on the surface? Lot of small bubbles that fizzle out in a few seconds. Our life is as brief as those bubbles. I have heard Radhanath Swami often quote an Indian poet, Govinda dasa who has said that our life in this world is as temporary and insignificant as a bubble of water in a lotus leaf petal. Radhanath Swami implores us not to aspire for a permanent settlement in this temporary world. “All advancement in technology and attempt to prolong life in this world is akin to an attempt to prolong life of a bubble in a glass of sprite”, says Radhanath Swami, “when bored we want to kill time but no one can do so. It’s Mr. Time who kills all without discrimination.”
I once saw Radhanath Swami speak to children aged 8- 13. He was speaking to them about the sacrifices of his guru, Srila Prabhupada, who had travelled to America at the age of seventy to serve the order of his guru. Radhanath Swami asked the kids, “Do you know what it is to travel all over the world at the age of seventy? Do you know what it is to be seventy years of age?” the kids looked on nonplussed. After a long pause, Radhanath Swami spoke gravely, “you’ll never realize now what it’s like to be seventy years of age. But very soon…” Radhanath Swami’s gravity now turned to a smile and then he laughed as he snapped his fingers, “very soon you will all realize what it is to be seventy years old”. I remember feeling scared on hearing this as Radhanath Swami had graphically pointed out how life in this word is transitory.
Although Mr. Time destroys everything, Radhanath Swami gives us hope. Quoting Vedic scriptures, Radhanath Swami assures that one who practices spiritual life, Time acts as a springboard for an eternal life in the kingdom of God. Although Time kills rather than heals in this world, on a spiritual dimension, Time offers enriched realizations and closeness to God.
Yes, time is all powerful. It snaps away everything that we possess, including our dear most body. We see this happening all around us; to young and old; friends and strangers. It creates a creepiness in us when we think about that but then this feeling lasts only for few hours or at most few days, then back to our egoistic attitude. How many times have I heard about this from saintly persons like HH Radhanath Swami and others? how many times have I pondered on these? How many times have I witnesses the effect of time to myself and others? Why am I not being serious; not feeling the urgency to work towards the ideal goal of my life – establishing connection with God. I pray that my spiritual master gives me strength and removes all the bad qualities in me that hinders my effort. I pray…. and I pray….Thanks very much for the article.
View CommentThis is excellent meditation on Radhanath Swami’s teachings. Thank you for sharing this. Our life definitely is an inconsequential bubble in the cosmic manifestation. But because we are so attached to this bubble, a even insignificant bubble of trouble can worry us so much. Thank you for making us realize this.
View CommentVery nice teachings. Thank you very much for sharing the same.
View CommentThe fast-paced life, technology, medical science all put together have concealed the reality and made us live in illusion, oblivious of the killer time factor – Radhanath Swami’s warnings must be taken seriously because life is too precious to fritter away.
View CommentH.H Radhanath Swami has nicely explained the value of time and how it should be used for spiritual progress. All glories to Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami brings forward a very important concept about time.
View CommentThank you very much Radhanath Swami for explaining us the nature of time in a non-scaring way and helping us develop positive inspiration in life to understand the temporary nature of time and act accordingly.
View CommentThank you for sharing this wonderful article. His Holiness Radhanath Swami said ‘past and future are dead, the only time we have is NOW to become Krishna conscious’
View CommentTo be time conscious can be Krishna consciousness….Krishna says Time I am..the destroyer of everything… Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for the reminder…time and again.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for Shearing this wonderful article.
Time is only factor who remember God always in every condition of life which may be happy or sad.
Thank you Maharaj fow giving us guidance.
View CommentThough time factor kills us every moment,the same time if used to associate with great souls like Radhanath Swami and his desciples then the same time will take us close to God and ultimately end the sufferings of this material world namely birth,old age,desease and death.Thank you for sharing such a nice meditation.
View CommentEvery day and every moment one should be aware of this fact and completely take shelter of the Lotus feet of the Lord. All merciful devotees reveal this truth for our benefit.
View CommentOnly one who is not God Conscious, the time threatens him.
View CommentRadhanath Swami assures that one who practices spiritual life, Time acts as a springboard for an eternal life in the kingdom of God.
View Commentwonderful teaching. thank you very much.
View CommentThankyou Radhanath swami for explaining the impotance of time.
View CommentAs we live in complete delusion we don’t realise our ultimate end at the hands of time but Maharaj’s lecture and association of devotees acts as the ultimate saving grace. Even when we falter there is every chance of their putting us in our spiritual path. As Maharaj has pointed out practicing spiritual life is the best way one can utilize his time in this transient material world.Thank you Maharaj for sharing such a profound realization.
View CommentSuch a powerful article. How nicely Radhanath Swami is describing the power of time and how to deal with it. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
How True is it.But just we understand as early as possible, are we likely to sink in the reality of time and wake up in life.
Hare Krishna
View CommentFor one who practices spiritual life, Time acts as a springboard for an eternal life in the kingdom of God. Too good! Once again! From Radhanath Swami!
View CommentThe article very aptly brings out the saying that “Time and Tide waits for no one”
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj speaks about time.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami’s realizations are deep and profound. We must learn from him without having to go through a first hand experience of these things.
View CommentVery encouraging words from Radhanath Swami. It’s very true that even though time is taking away our life everytime the clock ticks, but time spent for devotional service never goes waste.
View CommentNice encouraging article…thanks
View CommentOur lives are like those bubbles in that dink. We don’t how much time that bubble has before it fizzles out. We need to act now ….huh. This article induces urgency in us to prioritize our actions. Thanks for the author.
View CommentKrsna says in the BG ” Time i am…the destroyer of everything”. Time is all powerful coz its Krsna.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj is explaining how every moment of life is precious for connecting to Krishna!
View CommentTime is impartial to both poor or the rich educated or the illiterate.
View CommentHHRNSM has very wonderfully explained us how our life is so temporary in this world like a few drops of water on the lotus petal leaf, haribol, rajesh karia
View CommentMaharaj has always been our guiding star and is always selflessly preaching all of us, as in this article Maharaj has emphasized on the nature of this temporary life and its significance, haribol, bhakti
View CommentThank you very much for sharing this article, Eye openener.
View Commentnice blog
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj’s words are timeless….
View Commentvery nice article.
View CommentThis article very clearly points out that TIME is all powerful……a living entity does not even realise when his life reaches the last breath…….We should definitely not wait for that moment before we surrender to GOD…..we should surrender right away……
View CommentBeautifully realized and taught by Radhanath Swami – not only seeing the negative aspect of time – destroys everything; but to helping us to use it as a spring board to eternal life
View CommentTime & Tide do not Wait for anybody.
View CommentRadhanath Swami wonderfully explains the different effects of time.
View CommentTime just keeps chipping away at our life and yet we don’t realize it before it is too late.
View CommentBecause of time all the changes are taking place in this material world. For devotees it is like a spring board and for non-devotees it is horrible death personification. Radhanath Swami explained all in detail. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentWonderful article distributing the priceless realizations of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Thanks a lot for sharing.
View CommentThank You Radhanath Swami.
View CommentOnly God conscious person can transcend or kill Mr. Time..
View CommentI have witnessed the effects of this Mr. Time in every walks of my life, but still I am not able to kill Mr. Egoism in me.
Pity for Myself..
I seek blessings of Radhanath Maharaj..
Once one minute is passed never again we get back.By the great saints teachings only we can understand the value of time.Every breath is taking near last breathas one of quotes maharaj said.No one knows when that last breath comes.So we should get prepared very well.Otherwise one lifetime gone waste.Don’t know the next life what we become.Thank you maharaj for awakining us.
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